


the greatest place you've never heard of

Tripping Falls is the ideal Colorado town. It’s everything we already love about Colorado, and simultaneously everything we really want Colorado to be:

  • Unreachable beauty that’s also accessible in your own back yard.
  • Something elusive and exclusive, but also inclusive of all Coloradans. 
  • Something deeply rooted in history, but also imaginative and creative.

A shirt CAN say a lot about you. NOT YOU, YOU.

When you get a t-shirt, you’re making a statement. Did you find your last graphic tee at a big-box store? Was it a big, boxy mess? Was it too tight? Did it have significant…shrinkage? 

When you wear a Colorado-made Tripping Falls t-shirt, you’re saying a few very specific things:

  1. I have fantastic taste
  2. I love Colorado 
  3. I’m sick of boring t-shirts
  4. I support local artists 

P.S. Always Bring a Compass. Always. 

Sasquatch Overlooking his Dinner

THE LAST THING WE NEED IS Another shirt with a big red "C" on it.

We love Colorado and we know the Big Red C is a part of that identity. But we’re tired of it too. Somewhere down the line, this obsession and overcompensation to be “Colorado” turned into a game of how many clever ways companies could use the “C” in their logo.  

We’re not (always) cranky locals. There’s a difference between being a cranky Colorado-born resident, and simply wanting something that nobody outside of Colorado can get. Imagine if you could actually go hiking on the weekend and enjoy nature again — instead of staring at a mile-long line of people.  

We think Tripping Falls is everything you want Colorado to be: elusive, rugged, and a little off-kilter.